
Sebastian Dullien; Ekaterina Jürgens; Sebastian Watzka

Published On


Page Range

pp. 49-62

Print Length

13 pages

3. Public Investment in Germany

The Need for a Big Push

Chapter of: A European Public Investment Outlook(pp. 49–62)
Chapter 3, by Sebastian Dullien, Ekaterina Jürgens and Sebastian Watzka, reports on German debates about public investment. As with France, underinvestment by the public sector over the past two decades has led to a severe deterioration of the public capital stock. Moreover, demographic change, decarbonization and digitalization pose significant challenges for the German economy which imply additional public investment needs. A detailed sector-by-sector overview of investment requirements concludes that investment requirements add up to at least €450 bn over the next decade. Through a macroeconomic simulation, it is shown that a debt-financed increase of public expenditure of this magnitude would be compatible with keeping the debt-to-GDP-ratio below 60% and would have a positive impact on potential growth


Ekaterina Jürgens

Institut für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung

Sebastian Watzka

Institut für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung