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Nicky Agate; Cheryl E. Ball; Allison Belan; Monica McCormick; Joshua Neds-Fox

Published On


Page Range

pp. 83-104

Print Length

21 pages

6. Findable, Impactful, Citable, Usable, Sustainable (FICUS)

A Heuristic for Digital Publishing

  • Nicky Agate (author)
  • Cheryl E. Ball (author)
  • Allison Belan (author)
  • Monica McCormick (author)
  • Joshua Neds-Fox (author)
This is a collaboratively authored chapter by digital librarians, publishers and archivists, who have established a heuristic dubbed FICUS which stands for findable, impactful, citable, usable and sustainable. These will be widely applicable across disciplines, formats and topics.


Nicky Agate


Cheryl E. Ball


Allison Belan


Monica McCormick


Joshua Neds-Fox
