
Fadhli Lukman

Published On


Page Range

pp. 25–58

1. Islam and Muslims in the State of Indonesia

A Brief Overview

The first chapter sets the stage for our understanding of Al-Qur'an dan Terjemahnya by providing a brief overview of Islam and Muslims in the State of Indonesia. The chapter goes into detail about three of the most important aspects of Islam in the country. The first segment attempts to explain the region's Islamization by focusing on why Muslims in the country adhere to Sunnism. (A discussion of Ahmadiyya is required in this context for a specific reason.) Secondly, this chapter deals with the religious movements that have been deeply affected by the division of modernist and traditionalist tendencies through the introduction of two of the country's most important Muslim organizations, the Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama. The third line of inquiry is concerned with the state’s governing of religion, particularly Islam. The discussion expands on the issue of the state's relationship with Islam, focusing on Pancasila, Indonesia's state ideology, and the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
