Preservation of Your Work
OBP titles are preserved in the UK legal deposit libraries at the British Library, OpenEdition, Google Books and the Internet Archive. All our titles are available through Google Books, which itself is committed to long term preservation of their digital editions. We have also partnered with OpenEdition—a resource for Open Access books serving individuals and libraries—which ensures preservation of all the titles in their catalogue, and we upload digital editions of titles to the British Library where our content is also stored in perpetuity. The html editions of all our titles, together with any web-links embedded into the publication, are uploaded to the Internet Archive's WayBack Machine at the time of publication. Authors are free to self-archive digital editions as they see fit, and we particularly encourage authors to use institutional repositories for this purpose. We are also happy to submit published editions of works to specific repositories as may be required or mandated by funding bodies and research organisations. Because our books are Open Access and under Creative Commons licences they will be available to all in the future through the above organizations and elsewhere, even if OBP should cease to exist. OBP also allocate DOIs to all our books, at both book and chapter level.