Haring's work is important for its preservation of some fascinating textual versions of verbal arts, for his contextual and analytical commentary, and for newer and broader approaches than the ones that characterized the earlier volume. It is a fine addition to the scholarship, in several European languages, of this epic hero and his socio-cultural and political roots.
Robert Cancel
University of California, San Diego
The exact text of the story, its place in society and its literary context which are given in Haring’s book are a sure first steppingstone to further research. [...] The scholarly community is grateful to Haring for this present!
Heda Jason
Fabula (0014-6242), vol. 56, no. 3/4, 2015. doi:10.1515/fabula-2015-3-407
The original versions of many of the texts translated in this volume are available below.
Flacourt, Étienne de, Histoire de la Grande Isle Madagascar (Paris: Gervais Clouzier, 1661) 62-63.
Dahle, Lars, Specimens of Malagasy Folk-Lore (Antananarivo: A. Kingdon, 1877) 108-155.
Dahle, Lars, Specimens of Malagasy Folk-Lore (Antananarivo: A. Kingdon, 1877) 154-163.
Renel, Charles, Contes de Madagascar (Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1910) 1:168-74.
Renel, Charles, Contes de Madagascar (Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1910) 2:32-34.
Renel, Charles, Contes de Madagascar (Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1910) 1:196-200.