Searching for Sharing: Heritage and Multimedia in Africa - cover image

Book Series


Daniela Merolla; Mark Turin

Published On





  • English

Print Length

158 pages (vi + 152)


Paperback156 x 9 x 234 mm(6.14" x 0.34" x 9.21")
Hardback156 x 11 x 234 mm(6.14" x 0.44" x 9.21")


Paperback518g (18.27oz)
Hardback893g (31.50oz)



OCLC Number





  • JHMC
  • UG
  • 2H
  • JHBT


  • SOC002010
  • LAN025060
  • LIT004010
  • SOC005000


  • GR350


  • Oral literature
  • Africa
  • technology
  • multimedia
  • sharing
  • literary heritage
  • digital heritage
  • anthropology
  • linguistic
  • history

Searching for Sharing

Heritage and Multimedia in Africa

In a world where new technologies are being developed at a dizzying pace, how can we best approach oral genres that represent heritage? Taking an innovative and interdisciplinary approach, this volume explores the idea of sharing as a model to construct and disseminate the knowledge of literary heritage with the people who are represented by and in it.
Expert contributors interweave sociological analysis with an appraisal of the transformative impact of technology on literary and cultural production. Does technology restrict, constraining the experience of an oral performance, or does it afford new openings for different aesthetic experiences? Topics explored include the Mara Cultural Heritage Digital Library, the preservation of Ewe heritage material, new eresources for texts in Manding languages, and the possibilities of technauriture.

This timely and necessary collection also examines to what extent digital documents can be and have been institutionalised in archives and museums, how digital heritage can remain free from co-option by hegemonic groups, and the roles that exist for community voices.

A valuable contribution to a fast-developing field, this book is required reading for scholars and students in the fields of heritage, anthropology, linguistics, history and the emerging disciplines of multi-media documentation and analysis, as well as those working in the field of literature, folklore, and African studies. It is also important reading for museum and archive curators.


[L]’objectif de ce livre est de penser le partage comme une méthode de travail, dans la mesure où il ne s’agit pas seulement pour le chercheur de présenter ses résultats aux populations concernées dans le cadre d’une restitution, mais bien de collaborer avec des acteurs sociaux, des artistes, des conteurs qui utilisent eux-mêmes les moyens modernes de communication pour valoriser leurs productions orales.

Cécile Leguy

"Merolla Daniela and Turin Mark (eds), 2017, Searching for Sharing. Heritage and Multimedia in Africa". Cahiers de littérature orale (2266-1816), vol. 84, 2018.

Full Review

Additional Resources

The PDF and epub editions of this book contain embedded video files. If your reading device supports MP4 you will be able to watch the videos directly. If your device doesn't support this format, or if you are reading the printed version, you can access the two videos below.

[audio]Extract from the 1992 interview with Joan Broster

Included in Chapter 2: Russell H. Kaschula, 'Technauriture as a Platform to Create an Inclusive Environment for the Sharing of Research'. Duration: 7.40 minutes.

[video]Extract taken from the first movie of the trilogy Le culte de Ranavalona à Anosimanjaka (2014), 290 minutes, shot between 1996 and 2009 in Anosimanjaka, Madagascar. Producer: Andriamanivohasina Rakotomalala.

Included in Chapter 6: Brigitte Rasoloniaina and Andriamanivohasina Rakotomalala, 'Questioning "Restitution": Oral Literature in Madagascar'. Duration: 7.40 minutes.


Daniela Merolla

Professor in Berber Literature and Art at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales at Sorbonne Paris-Cité

Mark Turin

Associate Professor of Anthropology at University of British Columbia

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