Robin Böckerman's edition, with extensive introduction and English translation, of the earliest extant commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses constitutes an invaluable contribution to the study of medieval Latin commentaries on classical Latin authors. Having access to the complete text of the commentary preserved on ff. 61v to 84r of Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 4610 greatly advances our understanding of how masters and students in south German monastic schools ca. 1100 read Ovidius maior, as Ovid's great poem was often called, and by means of that exercise deepened their command of Latin grammar and ancient mythology. It is truly accessible, because the handsomely produced volume appears under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Ralph Hexter, University of California, Davis
"Böckerman, The Bavarian Commentary and Ovid". The Medieval Review (1096-746X), 2021.
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