Yankev Leshchinsky wanted to believe that Jewish life could thrive in modern Eastern Europe. But unable to cease asking trenchant sociological questions, unable to look away, he did more than any other scholar of his age to anatomize the foreclosure of Jewish prospects by the crisis of capitalism, economic nationalism, and rising antisemitism. No student of Jewish life in Poland and Eastern Europe as a whole can proceed without this indispensable work, and generations of students and scholars will be in Robert Brym’s debt.
Kenneth B. Moss
Harriet and Ulrich E. Meyer Professor of Jewish History and the College, University of Chicago
[Leshchinsky's] books and articles remain until today among the most important sources on Jewish life in Eastern Europe before the Holocaust. Now we can read one of his books in English in the volume, The Last Years of Polish Jewry: At the Edge of the Abyss, 1927-33, edited by Professor Robert Brym....The second volume of this project will hopefully soon be published.
Mikhail Krutikov, Chair, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures and associate, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, University of Michigan
"He Foresaw the Downfall of Polish Jewry 10 Years before the Holocaust". Forverts (Forward), 2023.